陶情泥意 | 公共艺术学院2023届陶艺方向毕业生作品展
来源:原创文章|发布时间:2023-05-29 12:05:39|浏览人次:1397

Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences 2023 undergraduate graduation work firing site
Group photo of pottery museum 


2023 Undergraduate Graduation Works Exhibition Participating Artists (in order of last name): Cen Hongliang, Du Jiao, Shu xinyi, Wei Yuxi, Yu Huiting





Preface丨We Want To Say






May's Alma mater, trees, a school of vitality. As we entered the school in the early autumn of four years ago, with hopes and dreams, the heart is looking forward to, enthusiastic, vigorous. We walked into the pottery museum, first know teacher, first test clay, everything is so new and surprise. The touch of clay, the operation of the billet machine and the winding of the glaze fire have witnessed our four years of grinding. 

Pottery creation is a process of understanding the world and expressing cognitive feelings. We use it to understand the code of primitive life and translate the broad and profound Chinese culture. Use it to shape the abstract personal world, breaking through the realistic structure of the new presentation way; We also integrate it with new materials, out of the specific historical style, on the basis of the original innovation, through a new perspective to innovate the ancient culture, excavate new technology. Ceramics as an art carrier of thousands of years of heritage, every piece of mud in our hands, without a continuation of the life of the ceramic world.

"The road is blocked and long, the line will be", four years of study, stage results have been presented here. This section of the exhibition for our youth left gorgeous chapters, is our enthusiasm for pottery and adhere to the yearning and pursuit of art, condensing all the pottery students along the way of the sour, sweet, bitter and hot. We are grateful to the Alma mater and pottery professional painstaking teachers, here to express our heartfelt thanks and high respect. 

The harvest of the journey has already covered us with xia clothes, today, we drive out of the entrance, the new scenery is slowly unfolding, mountains and mountains of unknown peak waiting to climb, "the road is long to build far, I will be up and down and search", forward youth, we are young!

All students majoring in ceramic art at the 2019 level







Graduation creation and thesis supervisor:
Xie Yue, Professor, Executive dean, School of Public Art, Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences
Li Duanni, Associate professor,School of Public Art, Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences
Xu Juan, Senior laboratory officer,School of Public Art, Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences
Luo Dan, experimenter, School of Public Art, Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences




Exhibiting Artists and Works



A1 展区

A1 Exhibition Area



Chen Hongliang



Eating a clumsy utensil

Ceramic material




The work adopted simple and simple appearance design and low-saturation appearance color, combined with wabi-sabi aesthetics and modern daily food products, which had a rustic, quiet and natural incomplete beauty with a gentle and beautiful fireworks atmosphere. The size and color of each food item were different, increasing the overall softness of the product and giving the food products a harmonious and incomplete visual impact. At the same time, each food can be used in all aspects of life, but also give us convenience in use.

"Eating a Stupid Tool" is based on the themes of "food", "consciousness" and "real things". Taken from the natural clay, the deep earthiness implies the power of nature, and the light and simple shape is the revelation of self in the creation. I love cooking, so I have great interest in kitchenware. The exhibition of this work also hopes to introduce "practical utensils" to the public better, break the boundary of single aesthetic attributes, and make "aesthetic" and "practical" complement each other.



Eating a clumsy utensil (Exhibition site)

Ceramic material




A2 展区

A2 Exhibition Area



Du Jiao



Ceramic material



The fast pace of today's society makes people's work and psychological pressure constantly increasing; People in society under the epidemic are deeply aware of the fragility of life. Pets often become an antidote to our bad feelings, and emotional paintings become a way for us to release stress. The cat image is combined with ceramic glaze decoration to explore the emotional expression and true feelings behind the symbols, hoping to show their feelings of relieving health anxiety and humanistic care for healing the soul.



Heal(Part of the work)

Ceramic material




A3 展区

A3 Exhibition Area



Shu Xinyi


The moon

Ceramic material




With the rapid development of urbanization in today's society and the excessive pursuit of economic benefits, the ecological environment is becoming more and more seriously damaged. My works combine the production techniques of modern ceramic technology with some images in the natural ecological environment, taking three different forms of the moon as plates and plants and animals as embellishments to increase the sense of space hierarchy, so as to appeal to people to pay attention to environmental protection.

Soil erosion, garbage pollution, air pollution... In the past, the ecological environment situation in China has only partially improved, but is still deteriorating overall. How to achieve all-round improvement? In recent years, the state has always attached great importance to the issue of ecological and environmental protection. After the Ministry of Environmental Protection introduced a series of measures, environmental problems have been increasingly intensified and good results have been achieved. But the road to environmental protection is far from complete and there is still a long way to go. My works aim to call on citizens to establish environmental awareness and learn to live in harmony with nature. Giant "trays," solitary creatures, "plants and animals that fled Earth and were forced to move to the moon, how to adapt to poor living conditions?"



The moon(Part of the work)

Ceramic material




A4 展区

A4 Exhibition Area



Wei Yuxi



Emotional drop

Ceramic material,comprehensive materials





Love is always uncertain, it will change with time, human nature, environment and many other factors. I use ceramic skein technique, love as the design element, different patterns of skein to express the changeable emotions in love, through the light of the light to convey the emotional changes of people in love, so that viewers can relieve emotional anxiety, relax.

There are few artists who use the strangulation technique to present the object of expression in their works. It is not difficult to find out from the history that stranded embryo porcelain rose in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song and Jin dynasties, declined in the Yuan Dynasty, and then faded out of our vision. It is only in recent years that the stranded embryo pottery has been paid attention to again by artists. 

A variety of different colors of mud blend, the formation of multi-color change alternate texture, to twist tire as a path, cutting, recombination, new, just like the grotesque love, stirring people's emotions, so that it changes. But don't make it complicated, the heart is finally simplified.



Emotional drop(Teachers and students taking photos)

Ceramic material,comprehensive materials




A5 展区

A5 Exhibition Area



Yu Huiting



Ceramic material





Jung tried to deal with his sadness artistically, speaking to his subconscious. My works take the image of a cat as the main body, looking for healing power in mud and fire, and carry out healing illustration decoration on the main body, which is to integrate the method of art healing into the creation process and advocate self-care through art. The shape is relaxed, the lines are casual, and the colors are relaxed. I hope the creators and viewers can get peace and beauty from it, so as to face the troubles in life peacefully and be full of the power of love.

To the fourth year of this node, the choice of going to school, public entrance examination, employment, etc., one by one, the anxiety caused serious insomnia. What cured me was the two stray cats under the dormitory building. Their appearance gave me a moment of peace and comfort. I wonder if this is an opportunity to find a way to relieve stress and heal myself. So I used the cat as an opportunity to create this ceramic healing work. 

In pottery creation, accidents often follow one another. When there is a large mold with a slurry outlet at the bottom of the primary irrigation, the slurry flow is everywhere because of the faster slurry flow rate. The second day in frustration to open the mold, but surprised to find out the perfect shape. As a result, by the time the final product is complete, meaning is already infused into the process.



Heal(Part of the work)

Ceramic material